Motivation + Unification = One Panther Nation.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Increasing the Volume!

Hey Panthers!

Hope last week wasn't too stressful with the schedule change. Don't worry, we're back to our normal schedule with a B-Week!

Last week, on Friday, we had our annual Spring Leadership Conference where we talked about Increasing the Volume on campus! Remember that you don't have to be an elected leader in order to speak up and voice your ideas around campus. Pres can only become a better place if there is feedback and new ideas being shared. The conference was a huge success with Ms. Cobarrubia as our fantastic Keynote Speaker, Jamba Juice for everyone, and high energy and new ideas coming from everyone involved. Then the conference ended even better with a loud P-R-E-S cheer and all students who attended left with a Pres water bottle to always remind them to Increase the Volume of their voice!

Just a couple of reminders for this upcoming week:

On Friday, March 18th, there will be Leadership Academy workshops during the morning Collaboration starting at 8am. Make sure if you signed up, you are there on time! Have fun!

Also, the Frosh/Soph Mixer is coming up on April 1st, so mark your calendars! The theme is SONIC BOOM! So, get pumped! Be on the lookout soon for more information regarding the dance in Homeroom!

Shout-out to our Varsity Basketball team who fought a hard battle against Del Oro this past Saturday. Pres lost by 4-points in overtime, but they played a great game and we couldn't be prouder of them! CONGRATS team for a great season!

Have a great week!

ASB (:

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