Types of events and jobs:
- Homeroom relations
- Fixing the lunch line
- Campus environmental awareness
- Campus clean-up days
Leadership Positions
Leader- Alyssa Perez
Assistants- Megan Huber, Courtney Quinn
Recorder- Gianna Saso
Reporter- Nicole Callinan
Publicist- Shivali Tandon
Historian- Brittany Rickets
Mission Statement: We, the members of the campus improvement committee, vow to maintain a clean, happy, and safe environment for the entire Presentation community.
- plant flowers
- paint school/mural work with NAHS and SEAS
- mandatory surveys in homerooms
- blog publicity
- campus clean ups after specific events
If you would like to join this committee or have suggestions, contact Alyssa Perez at aperez2@pres-net.com!
GO Campus Improvement!!