Motivation + Unification = One Panther Nation.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Second Week of October!

Hello Pres Girls,

Wow! This week went by so fast, there was so much to do! The Black and White Ball was a huge success! We hope you all enjoyed it and had a great time! :)

Thank you to all who participated in Swim to Remember. The top 10 swimmers completing the most laps were:

1. Jamyson Tritch, PHS junior and BAY team member, 10,300 yards (412 laps)
2. Emily Ekmar, PHS Frosh, 10,250 yards
3. Sarah Johnson, PHS Soph, 6600 yards
4. Emma Roth, PHS Soph and BAY team member, 6500 yards
5. Victor Brancati, St. Chris 8th grader and BAY team member, 5700 yards
6. Emi Nagashima, NDSJ Senior and BAY team member, 5550 yards
7. Michael Medeiros, BCP Senior and BAY team member, 5500 yards
8T. Kayla Barker, PHS Frosh, 5250 yards
8T. Tiffanie Obilor, PHS Soph, 5250 yards
10. Monique Kerstens, PHS Junior, 5150 yard

Way to go!

The Bell Rally so exciting! Thank you Dance Team for representing our school with such pride. :)

Don't forget that this Wednesday is a mandatory testing day from 8:30-12 for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors. This means no school for you Seniors!

Join the Leadership Academy on Thursday, October 14th at lunch in room 19 to learn about Capstone Projects, brainstorm ideas, and obtaining Gold status in the Academy. The purpose of the Capstone Project is to demonstrate the leadership skills learned through the Academy. See you at the meeting!

And of course the Junior Ring Ceremony is this Friday! Congratulations Juniors, this is such a great honor. Take in every second of it. :)

Well, we hope you have a great week!


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