Motivation + Unification = One Panther Nation.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Hey Panthers! Can you believe that November is already here? We hope you enjoyed the Big Little Sister and Halloween Event on Friday and met new girls in different grade levels. We look forward to hosting more events throughout the year!

Here are some reminders for the upcoming week.

-On Tuesday, there will be Leadership Academy workshops after school. If you do not know which workshop you will be attending, look at the list posted on the Leadership board!
-The musical, Little Women, is opening on Saturday night. Make sure to go and watch these incredible actresses and support the theater department!
- On Sunday, Open House will take place from 11-2. If you are working the event, make sure to dress in formal uniform and introduce students to what you love about Pres.
- Finally, food drive canvassing is coming up! Make sure you sign up to help out your class. It is so much fun, and we are giving back to the community!

Have a lovely week.

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