Motivation + Unification = One Panther Nation.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

It’s About That Time

Hey Panthers!

It’s November. The leaves are falling. The weather is changing. That can only mean one thing. We are officially in the winter season and the holiday drives are among us. Food Drive starts this week and we know that you are going to make this an AMAZING drive. Thank you in advance for all your contribution and effort to the drives and talk to your homeroom reps about upcoming canvasing dates. Let’s focus our efforts on collecting a lot of food for Sacred Heart so we can make sure everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving this year. Sacred Heart needs us, so lets go Pres!

A couple of reminders: We have a student council meeting Monday the 8th at 8:15. All are welcome to come! And don’t forget Thursday there’s a colloquium in the center at 7:00. Ask your teachers for extra credit! See you there!

As we begin holiday season, let’s not forget our motto of “Not Words, But Deeds.” Have a great week!


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